
[th]【学3个词 283-285】283 chaos 284 facelift 285 renew

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05

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283 chaos

今天我们要学的词是chaos。Chaos, 是混乱的意思。大雪过后,路上一片狼藉,"Heavy snow caused chaos on the roads" 新年派对让家里变得杂乱不堪, "The house was in total chaos after the New Year's party." 政变让国家陷入了混乱,"The country was thrown into chaos by the coup."

目前,亚太经合组织会议正在悉尼举行,"Tight security measures caused commuter chaos in part of the city," 严密的安全防范措施使悉尼的部分市区出现了交通混乱。好的,今天我们学习的词是chaos...


284 facelift

今天我们要学的词是facelift。Facelift, 是整容的意思。"She had a facelift before her 30-year high school reunion," 30年高中同学会之前,她赶忙去整容。Facelift, 更多的是用来指翻新和改造。"The school received a complete facelift during the summer," 学校的校舍暑假期间全面翻新。

美国华盛顿著名的水门饭店目前正在大甩卖,"The hotel owner is selling everything to prepare for a major facelift," 饭店老板决定卖掉所有的东西,为饭店大翻修做准备。好的,今天我们学习的词是facelift...


285 renew

今天我们要学的词是renew。Renew, 是延期、更新的意思。换新驾照,"to renew one's driver license"; 续签公寓租约, "to renew the apartment lease"; 延期健身俱乐部的会员卡, "to renew the membership in the sports club."

松下电器公司决定继续跟美国奥委会合作, "Panasonic renewed its partnership with the U.S. Olympic Committee." 美国2003年开始了, Do-not-call-list, 谢绝来电名单,加入这个名单,就可以免受广告电话的骚扰。不过,这个名单的有效期只有五年,"People need to renew their spot on the registry to fend off telemarketers." 好的,今天我们学习的词是renew...

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